General Features of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System

GPS vehicle tracking system helps coordinate between multiple persons, keeps vehicles safe, and also allows druggies to view the vehicle performance pointers. We've come dependent on similar bias. You'll automatically get the position of the vehicle. Investing in our GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System result provides multiple benefits at a veritably low cost.

We are a leading GPS based Modem Supplier & manufacturer that actively provides a wide range of GPS Modem. Our GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System has high performance, high sensitivity with low power consumption , small in size and easy to use. Our GPS Modems are highly demanded in the market.

General features of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System

  • Quad-band -900/1800/1900MHz
  • GPRS multi-slot class 12/10
  • GPRS mobile station class B
  • Compliant to GSM phase 2/2+
  • -Class 4 (2 W @ 850/900MHz)
  • -Class 1 (1 W @ 1800/1900MHz)

GPS vehicle tracking system is helpful to track any locations on an electronic map by using a global positioning system. You required an internet connection and other software/app for tracking. Our GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System provides you with accurate radio signals. By enabling GPS receivers you can determine direction, location & speed of any vehicle whether moving or not.

Though this won't prove to be good always but maximum of the times it's friendly. GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System has proved to be a blessing to the logistic system across the globe. The system can be mounted or fitted in your vehicle in a retired or suitable cube. After this installation, you can easily track your vehicle using your mobile phone by calling the mobile number of the SIM attached to the GSM modem.

Aaradhya Electronics Provided GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System, Find out more Information To Contact US +91 9657455169 / +91 7972428271 Or visit our website


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